Changes To My Price Structure As Of July 1st, 2015

When I first started reading tarot seriously, I had a “proper” job, and I was reading as a sideline. I considered tarot to be a calling, and I didn’t want to deny anyone a reading just because they happened to be on a low-income. Therefore, I had a “pay what you will” policy. Some people gave me a pretty good donation for my services, while others didn’t pay at all. My attitude to this was that if anyone took advantage, that was their problem, not mine. I felt pretty comfortable with that policy, but I did have a steady income from my regular job.

Unfortunately, the company I worked for went through a restructuring process, and I was laid-off after many happy years working for them. As with many others in that same situation, I had difficulties finding new employment. It was at that point that I decided I would change the nature of my tarot reading services, and started offering a fully paid-for service, firstly via, and then via my website. Still wanting to make my readings available even to people on a low income, I set my prices very low. Many of my clients have actually said at one time or another that they felt my prices were too low, especially considering the time I spend doing a reading and the service I provide.

calculator and pen imageI’m sure many of you have been through the process my family and I went through recently; we looked at our financial situation. As a result of that, I felt I needed to contribute more towards my family. I have a difficult time with anything financial; my eyes glaze over when I see numbers! Nevertheless, I sat down and created a spreadsheet. On it, I put the various services I provide, how much time each takes me, and the money I make. I was shocked at what I found. It was worse than I thought.

I had to make some tough decisions, and you’ll see the results of those decisions immediately. I’ve eliminated a few options, because there was no way I could make them financially viable. Some will be temporarily removed until I can make some changes and reintroduce them. And the prices of what I continue to offer have been increased slightly. I have tried (and I think I’ve succeeded) to make the increase minimal, while at the same time, they will make a difference to what I can contribute to my family. As for Fiverr, since I can’t increase the base price of a reading there, I will streamline what I provide, so I can complete a reading in less time. I would definitely encourage you to pay just that little bit extra to obtain your reading directly from my website, so what you get will be more complete. Please know I will always strive to provide a simple option at as low a price as I can.

One final thing: I’ll be offering some exciting new services soon. I’m working on some of them right now. Once they’re ready, I’ll let you know.

Your feedback is important to me. Do please tell me what you think.

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(Image courtesy of adamr at